Product Description
Moku Sunrise Stretched Wall Prints
Moku Sunrise Stretched Wall Prints
Mokulua are two islets off the windward coast of Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands. They are also commonly known as The Moks or the Twin Islands. The islets are often photographed, and are located about .75 miles off Lanikai, a neighborhood of Kailua, Hawaii. The larger island is Moku Nui and the smaller, Moku Iki. They are part of the Hawaii State Seabird Sanctuary and activities on them as well as off-limit areas on them are regulated by law. Specifically, the smaller islet, Moku Iki, is off-limits to visitors, as is the interior of Moku Nui. Also, no pets are allowed. Many birds nest in ground burrows on the islands. Tiny Mokuoloe Island is more commonly known as "Coconut Island" and it is located in Kaneohe bay on the eastern windward side of the island of Oahu in Hawaii. It is a privately owned island that is currently being used by the University of Hawaii for Oceanography and Marine Biology Research. This island is most commonly known as Coconut Island but its real name is Mokuoleo, which is sometimes spelled Moku o Loe. It has a lot of vegetation including two tall pine trees. Located in the southern part of Kaneohe Bay. It is the remnant of the basalt ridge that forms the Pohakea headland. There is a fringing reef around the islnand that is similar in structure to the patch reefs in other parts of Kaneohe Bay. Originally it was about 12 acres in size but it has been dredged and filled and extended to about 28 acres.